Our Mission

Urban Equity Community Foundation’s mission is to eradicate the inherited mentality of poverty that is afflicting BIPOC families and communities. By supporting and stabilizing the social, health and educational needs at the heart of these communities, we aim to help those negatively affected by these societal inequities. We are dedicated to diversity, equity and inclusion by strengthening the cultural and economic development opportunities within these targeted populations. UECF’s focus is to create and amplify economic freedom by establishing a foundation aimed at promoting the upward mobility of these groups.
In an effort to carefully dismantle old systems and structures that have reached their limits, Urban Equity Community Foundation sets its sights on financial literacy education and techniques, aimed at eradicating an obsolete methodology of achieving financial stability in the urban areas of our nation. Our aim is to assist in the birth of new sustainable revenue-generating systems that will manifest new ways to grow wealth in these communities. Our belief is that when we ignite conscious awareness of the disintegration of these inner-city public and private funding cycles, we can then usher in the development and creation of new structures, systems and constructs that support and empower sustainable ways to break the cycle of poverty within these commercially viable epicenters. The successful evolution of this process will yield a powerful educational transformation of personal, economic and communal well-being for all.
Problems + Solutions
The Problem
The TIAA Institute, a Fortune 100 pension management firm, recently released a study entitled, “African Americans Experience Low Financial Literacy Levels” that found African-Americans substantially lagging in financial literacy, when compared to other ethnic groups.
This knowledge gap has an unmistakable negative impact on African-Americans’ economic capability and behaviors. Put another way, African Americans, who comprise 13% of the U.S. population, yet account for only 4% of the household wealth in this country, are not well equipped with the financial and economic knowledge they need to fully actualize their opportunities to build wealth and participate within our free enterprise economy.
The Solution
Urban Equity Community Foundation starts by distributing donations into sustainable domains of social change. Raising, managing and distributing resources that are best aligned with UECF’s mission and objectives is key in supporting and creating economic mobile programs and projects that will assist to metabolize generational poverty. As society as a whole is shifting toward a sense of unification, UECF is focused on amplifying this synergy and increasing visibility and the perception of our environment and society as a whole. A heightened awareness of social injustice, politics, climate change, racism and gender inequality are at the forefront of such constituencies, inasmuch, a concerted focus on such issues is imperative for change to manifest.
In her remarks, as Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System at the Conference on Economic Opportunity in 2014, current United States Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, identified “four sources of economic opportunity in America” as:

- Resources available for children
- Affordable higher education
- Business ownership
- Inheritance
The solution is not simply trying to fix the problem, rather it is in transforming it. Urban Equity seeks to guide the transformation from past stagnant economic behavior by educating on global methodologies and techniques to catapult our wealth-generating opportunities into a new sustainable lifestyle.
UECF aims to attract and capture youth in the development stages of their lives and arm them with a solid set of financial literacy educational guideposts and wealth generation strategies as a foundation for building stronger families and communities. Such proven programs that have been evidenced in gaining a revenue-generating economic way of thinking, as well as, instilling moral virtues to live by, regardless of political leadership shifts.
By deploying resources and funding into robust and sustainable domains of social change, we will help create an educational environment for self-empowerment, money mastery and wealth creation. Closing the wealth gap one empowered mind at a time.